Sausage Burger (Afghani)
November 7, 2013 12:19 pm

Prep Time: 10 Min Cook time: 20 Min
- Naan Lavash or Paraky3
- Boiled Eggs, sliced2
- French Fries2 cups
- Onion, sliced1
- Tomato , sliced1
- Coriander, chopped 1 bunch
- Sausage3
- Cabbage, shreded1/2 cup
- Naan Lavash or Paraky Recipe Here.
- French Fries Recipe Here.
- Boiled Egg Recipe Here.
- Fry the sausages and set aside.
- On a Naan lavash or Paraky arrange some french fries, one sausage, tomato, onion, cabbage, boiled egg and sprinkle some coriander then roll and serve with Chutney.
Tags: Boiled Eggs, Boiled Eggs, sliced, Cabbage, Cabbage, shreded, Coriander chopped, French Fries, Naan Lavash or Paraky, Onion (sliced), Sausage, shreded, sliced, Tomato, Tomato , sliced
Categorised in: Burgers, Categories, Wrap, Roll, Frankie