Potato Pakura
July 19, 2013 12:17 pm
Prep Time: 5 Min Cook time: 5 Min
- Chick Pea Flour1/2 Cup
- Curry Powder/Masala1 Teapoon
- Salt To Taste
- Baking Soda 1 pinch
- Water1/2 cup
- Large Potato1 Sliced
- Canola Oil For Frying
- For For batter
- For For Filling
- Mix all the ingredients, and add water little by little to make batter.
- Dip the potato slices into the batter well then transfer it to hot oil. Cook until golden brown.
- Serve it with Chutney.
Tags: Baking soda, Chick Pea Flour, Large Potato, Larger Potato, Mix Spices, Salt, Vegetable Oil, Water
Categorised in: Appetizers, Categories