Potato Gnocchi (touch of Afghan taste)
August 20, 2014 11:37 am
Prep Time: 20 Min Cook time: 30 Min
- All Purpose Flour1 and 1/2 cups
- Mashed Boiled Potatoes1 and 1/2 cups
- Egg (lage)1 no
- Salt1 Teaspoon
- Oregano1 Teaspoon
- Tomato SauceSee The Recipe, as needed
- Mixed CurdSee The Recipe, as needed
- Dry MintSee The Recipe, as needed
- Chili flakesSee The Recipe, as needed
- For Gnochi
- For Serving with:
- For Recipe of Tomato Sauce Click here
- For Recipe of Mixed Curd Click here
- For Recipe of Dry mint Click here
- For Recipe of Chili Flakes Click here
- Combine well mashed potato, flour, egg, salt, oregano to form a soft dough (dont over knead). Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes divide the dough into 5 -6 portions, then take a portion and roll on floured surface to make a a rope (check pictures). Now cut the rope into 2 inches small pillows (they look like pillow). Take a fork to make pattens on small pillows or leave it as it is.
- Bring water salt and 1 tablespoon oil in large pot, carefully transfer the delicate Gnochis to boiling water. When they pop up on water they are done (just cook it like Ash& Ashak). Strain using strainer.
- Serve it with tomato sauce, curd and sprinkle some chili and dry mint. Enjoy
ترجمه دستور به فارسی دری
Tags: All Purpose Flour, Chili Flakes, Dry Mint, Egg (lage), Mashed Boiled Potatoes, Mixed curd, Oregano, Salt, Tomato Sauce
Categorised in: Categories, Pastas/Dumplings/Noodles