Jamun Ice-Cream Pops
June 20, 2013 11:36 am
Prep Time: Min Cook time: Min
- Jamun1/2 cup pureed
- Condensed Milk1/2 Tin
- Whole Milk2 cups
- Dry milk1 cup
- Vanilla Essence1 Tablespoon
- Mix condensed milk, dry milk and whole milk and cook for 5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add Jamun Puree and vanilla, mix and pour the mixture into the Ice-cream pops molds. Freeze it till set. Remove the mould from freezer 2 minutes earlier to demould easily.
Tags: Condensed Milk, Dry milk, Jamun, Vanilla essence, Whole Milk
Categorised in: Categories, Ice-Cream/Frozens