Coconut Vanilla Ice-cream


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    Prep Time: 10 Min Cook time: Min


    • Cream 200 Grams or one packet
    • Full Cream Milk1/2 cup
    • Honey5 Tablespoons
    • Sugar4 Tablespoons
    • Vanilla2 Tablespoon
    • Desiccated Coconut4 Tablespoons
      1. For for topping
    • Desiccated Coconut2 Tablespoons
    • Pistachio 1 Tablespoon


    1. Whisk well the cream to thicken, add milk and mix.
    2. Add honey, sugar, vanilla, desiccated coconut and mix well.
    3. Freeze till sets. Scoop and serve it on ice-cream biscuit or bowl and sprinkle some Desiccated Coconut and pistachios on top.

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