Qaimaq chai (pink tea)
April 13, 2013 4:10 pm
Prep Time: Min Cook time: Min
- Milk1 cup
- Water1 cup
- Cardamom2-3 crushed 1/4 teaspoon powder
- Baking Sodaa pinch
- Tea2 Teaspoons
- Sugar 1 Tablespoon or To Taste
- Salta pinch
- Clotted Cream2 Tablespons for serving
- Some nuts
- In a bowl add water salt, soda and tea leaves and let it set for an hour.
- After an hour bring it to boil to change color darker.Its called Qawa or Kawa.
- Now boil your milk add sugar cardamom and Qawa through a sieve to avoid mixing tea leaves to milk.
- Boil it for a minute and the color changes to pink its ready.
- Pour the sheer chai into cup then add the clotted cream. recipe for clotted cream.Serve.
Tags: Baking soda, Cardamom, Clotted Cream, Milk, Salt, Some nuts, Sugar, Tea, Water
Categorised in: Beverages & Teas, Categories